Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Valuable Ezine Issue From Marlon Sanders

 August 13, 2011

Intro From Marlon

Today’s ezine issue shows you how to profit wildly during the current

It contains my review of an awesome book you’ll love. And the ideas in it
will change your life this year, even next week.

It’s INSTANTLY applicable without buying or knowing anything else. And
you can see IMMEDIATE improvements in your life, your business, your
finances and your relationships.

30-day Coaching Members, 2 new modules added. See announcements.
By the way, my webinar last week with Harlan was a smash hit. He did this
eye-popping demonstration of getting ranked on Google in under 5 minutes
as the clock ticked down!

AFFILIATES, check out our new tools:
Best wishes,
Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 6, #30, August 13, 2011

This issue contains:
A. Sponsor advertisement
B. Announcements from Marlon
C. Main Article: New 10X Rule Makes You Wildly Successful in
THIS Economy

D. Resources
Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders, Publisher
A. Sponsor Advertisement

Wanna See a Live Demonstration Of Getting a Top
Google Ranking In Under 5 Minutes?

Watch it happen here! – Webinar Replay
B. Announcements from Marlon

1. Customer support issues?
Do NOT email us for customer support. We are anxious to
serve you at:

If you haven't got a refund, have an unresolved problem or didn't
get a decent response to a problem you've had with us, please post
to the support desk. I am personally looking over these tickets and
even responding to some of them.

2. 30-day members – A new Traffic Module is now POSTED in Module
17 and in Module 16 is a whole TRAINING on writing your sales messages
and letters.

I found an UNBELIEVABLE software program for creating Facebook Ads
that get 1%+ CTR rates that are unheard of. Going to see if I can
negotiate rights to include this in your membership. Gift cards go out

C. New 10x Rule Makes You Wildly
Successful In THIS Economy

We’ve been through the worst recession (in America anyway) since what
they called here The Great Depression.

And whether it’s over or not, whether we’re double dipping or not, what I
CAN tell you is this:

Even some very smart and talented marketers have struggled in this
economy. Do you feel:

* Frustrated over a lack of success
* Like a failure from things not working
* Excited about online marketing but unsure what steps to take
* Worried about the economy and the future
* Stressed over your bank account
* Concerned you might be laid off from your job
* Worried about declining email open rates
* Frustrated by all the hype
* Puzzled how you’ll accomplish your dreams
* Scared to set goals or big goals
* Not motivated to do things to reach your goals
* Scared to over-commit
* Uncertain what to do TODAY to reach your goals
If any of those you describe you, then what I want to turn you onto
something today that certainly could change your life.

It’s a concept called:
10X thinking and 10X action.
It’s not my idea. Not at all. It’s from a book I read last night appropriately
titled The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone.


He’s a New York Times bestseller and has created 3 multi-million dollar
companies. I hope you not only read today’s issue but that you pass it
along. And that you not only buy the 10X Rule for yourself but you buy a
few copies and give to friends also.

I’ve always felt the greatest ideas are the simple ones. Ideas like love. Like
loyalty. Like friendship. And the 10x rule would fall in that category. It’s a
very simple idea. But I found the book to provide a lot of satisfying
examples from his personal life and ideas to help you apply it.

To quote from the book’s introduction:
The 10X Rule is the Holy Grail for those who desire success. The 10X rule
establishes right levels of actions and thinking that guarantee success and
ensure that you’ll continue operating at these levels throughout your life
and career.

The 10xRule is the one thing that will guarantee that you will get what you
want in amounts greater than you ever thought imaginable.

Now, that probably sounds like hype. Actually, it would be the exact
opposite. I’d call this the book “the hype and business opportunity seeker’s
mindset cure.”

Here are a few of the things I learned:
 1. Most people under-estimate the amount of activity needed to
attain a goal.

Now, I think in the book he also uses the word “effort.” I don’t so much.
For some people a high activity level may not take a lot of effort. For others
a very small amount of activity can take a huge amount of effort.

So I think activity level (the number and size of actions you take) is a better
gauge than the “feeling of effort”.

Specifically, here’s what this means –
-- Most people under-estimate the amount of activity required for a
successful product launch.

If you tried a product launch that didn’t work, it was probably because you
didn’t take enough actions to produce the result you wanted.

-- Most people under-estimate the amount of activity required to break
through the noise.

It takes more than you think to get the attention of your market.
-- Most people under-estimate the amount of activity needed to get people
to buy.

2. The solution is to 10x your thinking and 10x your goals
Whatever you think you need to accomplish your goal, plan on doing 10 of
that. Plan on putting 10x more thought into it that you figured you’d need.

The book is funny. I think the Brits might call it a bit “over the top.” And
that’s kinda how I reacted to it at first blush also.

But then when I sunk down into my easy chair at the bookstore, and started
really reading what Grant had to say, my initial skepticism turned into
acceptance and then excitement.

If you set your goal to low and under-estimate the activity required to break
through the noise, then you’ll take too few actions, do too little and your
lack of success will be virtually GUARANTEED!

And right there is where I find MOST Internet marketers to be.
They buy into the “millions in 3 clicks” mentality. What’s ironic about
THAT is I KNOW one or two of the guys who created those “3 clicks”
software programs that were sold on Clickbank.

They’re guys with very high activity levels and are the exact opposite of
what’s portrayed in the sales letters.

I’ve definitely done my part to promote the Internet lifestyle.
And let me say that it’s 100% true – When you get a marketing funnel truly
humming, you don’t have to work much for your money. And you may be
able to glide along like that for years.

So there IS an Internet lifestyle.
It’s ALSO true that it can take a large amount of activity and time in order
to assemble a marketing funnel that performs at that level.

I have a friend right now with one like that. He sends out X number of
promotions a week, does Y number of things to convert them to sales and at
the end of the week he has $100,000. And he does that every week.

But it took him 6 months to put that funnel together and he was a very
experienced marketer with the skills and knowledge already in place.

He had to try 3 different lead generation methods.

First there was pay-per-click but Google didn’t zapped him, which is not

Then he did pay-per-view (ppv) ads. Those were how he tested his
marketing funnel. But the conversions were hit and miss and he couldn’t
scale it the way he wanted.

Then I told him about one of my secret strategies in The Traffic Dashboard.
He started doing that and ran into a Gusher.

What’s interesting is he did NOT have the answers when he started trying
to apply the method I told him about. He had no idea he’d hit a Gusher.
He just started taking action.

And that’s one of the BIG points in The 10X Rule. He talks over and over
about a concept called “adding wood to the fire.”

Once you have a goal, every day you take actions that get you a little closer
to the goal, like adding wood to the fire.

It’s not that ANY one of the actions will magically cause the goal to
materialize in front of you.

But every day you take actions that get you closer.
So you say, “Well Marlon, that’s all good in theory. But I got bills. I got a
job. I got a spouse. I got debt. What’s that got to do with me?”

100%, no doubts about it, it has EVERYTHING to do with you, your life,
your kids, your dreams and your future!

And, in fact, I would tell you even before you spend money to buy Amazing
Formula as you should, and Traffic Dashboard, as you should, I would tell
you to snag a copy of The 10X Rule and read it over 3 times.

It will change your life.
And I say that based on what I PERSONALLY will do. I’m going to read it at
least 3x if not 10x.

Let’s say your goal is to get 1,000 subscribers per day to your email list. I
figure your goal is REALLY 100 visitors a day. But what do you need to do?

You need to 10X that sucker, right?
So your goal is now 1,000 subscribers per day. Do you see how that already
changes your thinking and your actions? You realize you gotta take more
actions than you were planning on.

Here’s what you do:
1. Write a list of all things you ALREADY know you could do to
increase your number of subscribers.

You probably already know a lot of things you could do based on ebooks
and courses you’ve bought or my back ezine issues.

2. Every day add wood to the fire
That is, every day do one or more of those things on your list that can give
you more subscribers.

Start doing blog posts. Do guest posts for other people’s blogs. Use Traffic
Guyser or submit videos via TubeMogul.

Connie Green is a GREAT example of this. When I was at Unseminar a
month ago, I told her creating an ebook on how to create a viral ebook (the
unique way she does) would be a great idea.

She had it DONE by the next day or two. Here is the email she sent me:


When she read my Facebook post about what I was going to publish today,
she put this little post on my Facebook:

Now, Connie, I’ve done my part. Are you gonna spread the word about how
to download this 10X issue? Just askin’.

Connie EXEMPLIFIES the 10X action and THAT is why she can spend part
of her time every week donating time and money to charities. Her 10X
thinking and actions are generating such a surplus she can donate both
time and money to charities, on top of meeting her $10,000 a month
houses payment AND the payment on a luxury car.

3. Keep adding wood to the first with 10X actions
However many things you THINK you need to do to get 1,000 subscribers
per day, plan on doing 10X those!

Here’s where I think the book’s main contribution comes in:
* But Marlon, I don’t have time.
* But Marlon, I don’t have energy
* But Marlon, but Marlon, but Marlon.
He answers all those BUTS in his book! And I don’t mean answers them in
a flippant, stupid way. I mean he gives thoughtful, coherent answers where
when you read it, it really makes you think.

We have so many things inside our heads that give us reasons to NOT make
a full effort, to NOT really go all out, to NOT take a lot of action.

-- It’s quality over quantity
-- Don’t overcommit
-- Under promise and over deliver
-- Balance in everything
-- Manage your expectations
-- Avoid being disappointed
-- Don’t make mistakes

-- Don’t be unrealistic

-- Play it safe
-- Be happy with what you have
-- Money doesn’t buy happiness
And the freaking list goes ON and ON and ON. I found some of these ideas
in my own thinking.

Part of 10X thinking is getting CLEAR on those thoughts in your own head
and clearing OUT thoughts that PREVENT you from taking 10X action.

Get clear. It’s really simple. Get clear on your 10X goal and the 10X
actions you’ll take.

Let me say this: The dude lives his own philosophy. Chapter 23 is the best
chapter in the book. The title is Getting Started With 10X.

It chronicles all the actions he has taken in order to reach his goal of being
the #1 sales trainer in the world. Wow. It’s quite a chapter.

One of the best statements in the book is:
Almost every problem people face in their careers and other aspects in their
lives – such as failed diets, marriages, and financial problems – are all the
result of not taking enough action.

When you hear stories of people who have “tried” Internet marketing but “it
didn’t work for them,” or have tried XYZ person’s method and it didn’t
work for them, the truth is the person likely under-estimated the time,
energy and activity level that they needed to reach their goal.

In general, I find this to be very true.
One of my friends who I consider to be an absolute genius would tell you
that his “real secret” is he does the things others don’t want to do.

In other words, he takes a lot more actions than the average person or
competitor does.

To be fair, there IS a flipside – AFTER you have developed a truly powerful
Marketing Funnel that hums along like a well-oiled machine, you can pretty
much run that sucker on full or partial auto-pilot.

And depending on the changes in the market, it might hum along like that
for years.

But you CANNOT just sit back and not do 10X thinking and goals. Why?
Because if you do, then one change in the market that jacks up your Funnel
can put your whole business and future at risk.

I have friends who did that in the current economy.
They were making multiples of six figures. But when the recession hit, they
didn’t have RESERVE marketing processes in place. They didn’t have 10X
in place.

They only had X. They only had enough in the pipeline to continue their
current level of income.

When the recession hit, BOOM! Their income dropped like a rock.
And even more remarkably, they’ve been reticent to engage in the 10X
thinking and 10X actions it truly takes to get their income back in place.

It’s an easy mistake to make.
On page 17 he points out that it’s easy to blame the ECONOMY being bad or
to blame the customers.

When in reality, he says, the cause is much simpler: “You just haven’t
correctly assessed the amount of action necessary.”

People set as the solution or cause EVERYTHING other than their own
activity level!

Here’s an example:
In one of his last sales pushes, in 1 ½ years he published 3 books, created 4
new sales programs, produced 700+ segments of training materials, did
600 radio interviews and wrote 150 articles and blog entries!

THAT is 10X action.

“Marlon, what about the Law of Attraction?”
This is an interesting one.
I believe in the Law of Attraction personally because I’ve seen it over and
over in my own life.

I also believe that action is a powerful attractor. At the end of the day, W.
Clement Stone had a lot more money than Napoleon Hill. I love Napoleon
Hill. But the fact is, W. Clement dwarfed him in income.

And if you read Napoleon Hill’s book, the emphasis is on THINKING.
If you read W. Clement Stone, the emphasis is on ACTION.
If you read The 10X Rule, the emphasis is on THINKING + ACTION.
It’s like taking Napoleon Hill and COMBINING him with W. Clement

I personally know Joe Vitale. I consider him a friend. AWESOME guy. He
epitomizes The 10X Rule, even though his is also a personality at the
forefront of the Law of Attraction movement.

Interestingly enough, one of the things Joe teaches is CLEARING your
thoughts. And the way I’d relate that to The 10X Rule is Joe helps you
REMOVE those impediments in your thinking to taking action.

Those thoughts I listed above that hold you back from raising your activity
level by 10X.

Joe has written or co-written 40+ books. He has a super powerful
Marketing Funnel in place. Everytime I talk to him he has a lot on the ball.
In fact, he amazes me.

In The 10X Rule he talks about setting 10X goals. I can honestly say that
Joe’s goals are far larger than 10X because that is how he keeps his activity
level high.

If you have little scrawny goals that don’t take much action, you won’t
accomplish much, with or without the Law of Attraction.

It takes BOTH the thinking AND the action.
I started by talking about the RECESSION and how you can be wildly
profitable and successful right now.

Here’s how:
Set a goal to have your business be more powerful than the recession. The
recession means that business overall is basically down 20% more or less.

1. Figure out how much action is needed to increase your OWN income

2. Now take those actions and 10X them.
3. Set your goal to increase your income 200% instead of 20%
Take THAT goal and THAT action list.
Add wood to the fire every day.
The recession will be a non-even for you.
Here are the chapter titles in the book:


It’s a GREAT book. I hope you get it. Read it. Read it again. Read it again.
And put it into action.

If this ezine article helped you, feel free to pass it along, including the
resource box below.

Marlon Sanders helps people with hopes and dreams figure
out how to turn those into reality by selling stuff on
the Internet.


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for any
products I mention

Resources you can use

1. Watch this webinar to learn how to sell on webinars and
become a veritable webinar king or queen

How to sell on webinars
2. Can you get 600 visitors a day from Squidoo?
3. Promote my smoking hot Traffic Dashboard product
See the dashboard at
4. Confused by Internet marketing? This unravels the big picture and
makes it all crystal. Thousands around the world have been helped:

5. How to design your own website
If you are, you may be getting ripped off. Design Dashboard
shows you not only the basics of doing your own design but really
walks you step by step through setting up your hosting,
autoresponders and shopping cart.

6. How To Promote YOUR Products Step-By-Step
THIS is where you start.

You have a product you want to promote or want to learn HOW to
promote? Start here.

7. Super Newbie Quick Start Course On Info Product Creation,
Profiting and Delivery….

It's the only step-by-step, A to Z system not JUST for
creating info products .... but that shows you HOW to select
product ideas using my "flanking move" I've built my business
on, HOW to do 12-product surveys with an actual example, that
gives you a tested, proven email & source with a 30% success
rate in getting interviews with experts -- PLUS, templates
that would cost your more than the Dashboard to have custom

E. Get the Evergreen Traffic System

Tinu emailed and says she has added new info on social media!
Most All Her Domains Got Shut Down, She Can't Get Out Of Bed Some
Days, Her Hands Swell Up Like Balloons, Her Podcast and Video
Hosting Got Shut Down -- And She STILL Snagged 3,579 Average
Visits Per Day In April 2008!
Evergreen Traffic System is now sold and serviced directly by Tinu.
That link there would be a tracking link and NOT an affiliate link.

Tinu's seo stuff is BRILLIANT and evergreen. It STILL works

The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

Super Extra: